Testimonial from FN Slovenia after my seminar in 2015:
“We hereby confirm that Mrs. Elke Potucek-Puscha held a two-day seminar for Slovenian Equestrian Federation on 19th-20th December 2015 under the title “The Devil is hidden in Details”. The Seminar was intended as a regular yearly license education for riding coaches.
Mrs. Potucek-Puscha has prepared a seminar of extremely high quality and has – with the help of demo-riders – demonstrated the principles of dressage training at all levels, from young horses and 1st level dressage (Kat. E/A) and up to the 4th level dressage (Kat. S). The seminar was very well prepared and thought through. Mrs. Potucek-Puscha focused on small but important details and most of all on good preparation for each exercise performed. A lot of attention was given to what the rider and coach have to focus on an to how we introduce an exercise to the horse. The red line of the seminar, the seat and correct aids of the rider, was clear throughout the seminar. from the basic to the most advanced levels of the training of horse and rider.
There was over 100 participants attending this seminar and the feedback was very positive. We would like to stress out the professional approach of Mrs. Elke Potucek-Puscha who didn’t leave any detail to surprise and has tested the prepared program with the demo-riders in advance, so everyone had a good idea of what to demonstrate and what to expect during the demonstration. Her communications skills with the audience, her professionalism and ability to lecture are among her strong qualities.
In our strong opinion Mrs. Elke Potucek-Puscha did a great job and we are happy to recommend her as a lecturer of similar seminars es well as a coach of horses and riders.”