How to use PIXEM (incl. affiliate account)
How to use PIXEM smoothly: As you know, the PIXEM system consists of the robot, the beacons 1 to 3 and the clock. When setting up the system, it is best to observe the [...]
How to use PIXEM smoothly: As you know, the PIXEM system consists of the robot, the beacons 1 to 3 and the clock. When setting up the system, it is best to observe the [...]
How does the PIVO system work? Follow these tips to make it easy: Place the PIVO on the track with a tripod at X. Make the legs of the tripod as flat as possible [...]
...what about the rider? We always take care about our horses fitness, but how is it about your own? Are you cardiovascularly fit enough? Are you movable in your joints or do you already [...]
Advice how you can keep your input. As you know, you get a massive theoretical and practical advice during my lessons. Sometimes it's too much to keep it in your mind. Belwo you will [...]
All our horses receive a daily wellness with the BEMER magnetic field therapy blanket. Regular use improves suppleness and supports the optimal training process. It also serves as a prevention and increases the immune [...]
The pirouette as the testing of the collection! Colonel Alois Podhajsky said aptly: "You can buy flying changes, piaffes and passages, but you have to ride a pirouette ..." In Reitkultur No. 12, the [...]
For long time I've been thinking of buying a string girth. Unfortunately, they are not very often manufacturers found and when they do, they come with exorbitant prices. Now I have finally found an [...]
We published our first "Digital Training Nugget" on Instagram. This Training Nugget explains how you teach a young horse the "turn on the forehand" from the ground, to get it easier under the saddle [...]
You only get what you pay for … and paying for high-quality professional training is an investment for (your horse’s) life! On internet forums one often reads the question, "does anyone know a good [...]