Vergangene Veranstaltungen

Intensiv Dressurtraining in Newmarket | Großbritannien

Brook Farm Dullingham ley, Newmarket

Das Ziel während des Kurses ist es, einen sinnvollen und individuellen Trainingsplan für alle Reiterpaare zu erarbeiten. Dabei werden nicht etwa nur Turnierreiter – egal, ob aus dem Bereich Dressur, Springen oder Vielseitigkeit -, sondern [...]

Dressage training in Newmarket | Great Britain

Brook Farm Dullingham ley, Newmarket

The clinic is aimed at developing a sensible and individual training plan for all horse-rider pairs. Not only the competitive rider – regardless of their persuasion – but also the leisure rider and the beginner [...]

Dressage training in Newmarket | Great Britain

Brook Farm Dullingham ley, Newmarket

The clinic is aimed at developing a sensible and individual training plan for all horse-rider pairs. Not only the competitive rider – regardless of their persuasion – but also the leisure rider and the beginner [...]